
Luang Phor Thuad Biography

Luang Phor Thuad was born in 1582 (2125 BE) 
and pass away on 1682 (2225 BE)

Luang Phor Thuad was born ordained as a novice at the age 15 and as a monk at the required as age at Nakorn Si Thammarat province.
 He decided his pilgrimage travel to Ayutthaya province to gain more experience and study the Buddhist scriptures.
According to legend, when Luang Phor Thuad was a baby hanged in the cradle between two shady trees near the paddy field, he was nearly attacked by a large snake curled around him. After a while, the snake spit out a crystal ball of manifold colours on the baby’s chest and slithered away, everyone's surprise he was remained unharmed.
Another miracle is that Luang PhorThuad changed the seawater into drinking water somewhere in the ocean on the way to Ayutthaya province.
Luang Phor Thuad is mentioned in the early regional histories of southern Thailand, but his life is mainly preserved in oral traditions. Stories of the famous monk were passed on by word of mouth for centuries. As a result, it is a mixture of Buddhist elements: early signs, alleged magic, travel, study, meditation and eventual “sainthood.”

His movements throughout the southern Thai peninsula constitute a path of pilgrimage for many of his followers

Luang Phor Thuat has also been said to have saved countless lives of people be it the battlefield, car accidents, armed robbery or more with his sacred amulets.
In his old age he returned to south to resided at Wat Pha ko, Songkhla

LP Thuad amulets are (based on my knowledge and research) known for the following powers:
1) Protection from accidents (such as traffic accidents and even natural disasters and so on)
2) Protection from all sorts danger (such as gunfire)
3) Protection from black magic and any form of offensive spells
4) Protection from evil spirits, demons and other hostile malevolent other-wordly entities

Some reported incidents of Amulets of LP Thuad's image:

1) In the beginning of 1963AD, Lokhunpakpaliang in Thailand was hit by typhoon. The resulting floods caused great loss to the population who were mostly fishermen. Houses were swept away, numerous people were wounded, reported missing and lost their lives. Those wearing the images of LP Thuad were apparently safe and sound. This is reputed to be a well-known incident witnessed by many people.

2) A bus on the Singpore-Hatyai route fell into a deep chasm due to the very dangerous roads in the mountains. All passengers were unharmed and it was later found that all of them were wearing the images of LP Thuad. The Thai newspapers has published many of such news from time to time. To the faithful, this is proof of the supernormal powers of LP Thuad as well as the greatness of the Buddhist religion.

3) One incident I came across online related that a certain batch of his amulets reportedly protected someone from M-16 gunfire. That batch of LP amulets became known as the "M-16" LP Thuad amulets in amulet circles.

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