
Maharajlila Chuchok by Phra Arjarn O, Phetchabun.

 Maharajlila Chuchok by Phra Arjarn O, Phetchabun.

The happiest & wealthiest version of "Chuchok". From a beggar to become a billionaire in a blink of an eye, Sat on the gold stool, holding a golden bag in the sitting gesture of "Maharajlila" showing his authority & prestige like a king. 

Referring to the event when King Sañjaya brought enormous valuable things in his treasury such as gems, diamonds, gold, money, elephants, horses, maids, slaves & castle. Including a lot of delicious food, vegetable & fruit to give to Chuchok as a gift for the redemption of his grandchildren, "Charlee & Kunhar" who is the royal child of Vessantara and Maddi.

Made from conncentrated materials such as wealthy powder & charming power. 

There is a "Mahachokchai Chana Takrud (The Great Victory & Luck)" of LP.Parn Wat 

Bangnomko's recipe, it has a power of great fortune & great luck, eliminating obstacles, accomplishing everything & always win in every competition.

Chuchok is the greatest amulet is case of begging something from someone. 

Many gamblers like to have Chuchok amulet because it will bring luck and money come. 

The devotee can pray this Chuchok for money, luck, and wealth. 

It is very good for charm also because Chuchok was born to be the beggar that can beg everything from everyone so, just beg a beautiful girl is not too difficult for him. 

Who has this amulet will have fulfilled wish and fulfillment.

Chuchok is the greatest beggar due to 3 reasons:

1.Beg For Wealth. = Chuchok is the only one legendary beggar who has countless food to eat until he died because of stomach explode.

2.Beg For Richness. = Chuchok could begged money from everyone. His financial status is very good as same as the millionaire.

3.Beg For Love. = Even Chuchok is old and ugly but, he still got Amittada, the beautiful lady to be his wife. Amittada is the ideal housewife that everyone want to have, she took care Chuchok very good as much as the best housewife can do until the neighbors felt envy Chuchok a lot.

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